Heifetz, Jascha. The Heifetz collection.
홍아 언니에게서 넘겨받은.. 46장의 씨디목록 Heifetz, Jascha. The Heifetz collection. RCA Gold Seal 09026-61732-2 to 09026-61777-2 (46 Volumes) 1: The acoustic recordings, 1917-1924. PhonCD H363 aco 2: 1925-1934: Debussy, Mendelssohn, Grieg, etc. PhonCD H363 col1925 3: 1934-1937: Wieniawski, Vieuxtemps, Glazunov, etc. PhonCD H363 col1934 4: 1935-1939: Faur, Brahms, Saint-Sans, Sarasate, etc. PhonCD H363 col1935 5:..